Al B. Tross
In the CityBy Pamela Bowers
10 Digit ISBN:
13 Digit ISBN: 978-1-63413-753-9
LCCN: 2015915188
Price: $17.99
Trim: 7x10
Format (pb/hc): HardCover
Pages: 42
For additional information about this book, visit the website ALBTROSS.ONLINE.

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What can you do when you're bored being you?
Al B.Tross in the City is a whimsical tale of a seabird who becomes bored with his life living by the sea. He decides to go on an adventure into the faraway city. The food is not the same, the animals are not as friendly, and the place does not look as inviting. In his travels he learns a very important lesson.
Read this delightful little tale and learn what all children learn at some point in their life: there is no place like home.
Al. B. Tross: in the City is a truly whimsical book about a seabird that becomes bored with his life by the sea and decides to embark on an adventure into the great big city. While finding that the city does indeed have many new faces and adventures, he learns one of life's greatest lessons of all. Read this book, become enchanted with Al, meet Mr. Pelican, and see why Al is soon to become one of children's most loved characters. ( If you love this book, Cruella the Crab and Milton the Turtle will be embarking on the next great adventure with Al!!! And we must not forget Mr. Pelican!) So pick up a book and let the adventures begin:)